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Posted by at Wednesday, April 18, 2012

By:Uchiha Edwin And Ichigo Azkasaki


Personal pronouns:
Pronoun to refer to the person or people who talk the talk. Among them, you; They
Pronoun which shows that talking (the speaker):
first person (first person): people who talk → I
second person (second person): people who talk to the II →
third person (third person) → people → people talked III
Personal pronouns:
A. Personal pronoun as subject (the pronoun as subject)
2. Personal pronoun as object (as an object pronoun)
Personal pronoun as subject
Personal pronoun as subject (the pronoun as subject):
People I: I (I)
People II: you (you)
People III:
he (she-males
she (she-women)
it (he / it / it-a single object or animal)

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