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Pengertian Sentence

Posted by at Thursday, April 19, 2012

By:Uchiha Edwin
Thx To Allah


Sentences is a group of words that express a complete thought.A sentences must have a subject and a verb,but it many or many not have an object
There are four some kind of sentences
A declarative sentences makes a statement,so in a declarative sentencese the subject and predicate have normal word order.the sentences ends with a period in writing and drop in pitch in speech.And the phrase or the statement ends with a dot (.) in a low tone is his writing and pronunciation,example
The children are swimming.
The telephone rang.
Everyone sat down.
Everyone is singing.

An Intrrogative sentence asks a question: in an interrogative sentence,the subject and auxiliary are often reversed.The sentences ends with a question mark (or an interrogative point) in writing .In a spoken language ,most yes-no question end with a rise in pitch ,most intrrogative-word question end with a fall in pitch.
   So when we use some words in intrrogattive sentence:
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